what I'm up to now

this is a now page; think of it as a "what I've been up to lately."
this page last updated: 2024.10.02


latest played song on last.fm powered by @biancarosa/lastfm-last-played

a green hobonichi weeks-style bullet journal sat on top of a thicker journal with green artwork on it; they are turned on their side so that the progress through them is visible.
my progress this year


I’m about halfway through my first thicc journal (more of a commonplace book really) and my first bullet journal, both of which were started in June of this year. I picked up the journaling habit (again) back in March, so I have two other journals I finished before this one (both A5 size), but this is my first thick journal of this style (it’s square with grid pages). I’m really enjoying writing again – I thought I wouldn’t have much of anything to write about, but being able to go back and look at how I was feeling a week or a month ago has proved really useful for my own well-being and mental health, so I’m very happy with where I am on this habit currently. <3


I applied for therapy back in October of 2023, right after my dog passed away, but their waiting list was so long that I have just recently been assigned a therapist. the anniversary of her death is coming soon (Oct 1) and we’ll be doing some work on that, in addition to working on a bunch of other stress-related stuff I’ve been going through, so I’ve been looking forward to that, albeit apprehensively. I honestly really believe in the therapy process, as it’s helped me a ton, but it’s never like…fun to do this kind of work on yourself. it’s a lot of introspection and can be painful to reckon with emotions you’ve been trying to bury, but it ultimately is good, so I’m committed to doing it. rubbing eye while crying

fountain pens

a broken sparkly rose pink jinhao 82 pen. the lid has split in half so that it can no longer be screwed on.
rip to ur lid, lil homie cinnamoroll sad

I recently brought my bujo to bed to jot down some stuff before I fell asleep and knocked it (and my sparkly pink jinhao fountain pen) off the nightstand in my sleep and broke the lid of my sparkly pink jinhao ;w;

about two days after that incident, I was unscrewing my other pink jinhao pen and the lid separated in my hands…so I guess I won’t be buying any more of these. they’re cute pens, but if they’re going to fall apart in my hands, then I don’t see the point of wasting money on them…I’m pretty upset about it, and now I have too much ink and only three pens (idk if I really need three though, so maybe i’ll just rotate inks x3) I will, however, be testing the cartridges that came with them to see if they fit my platinum little meteor pens, so maybe it won’t all be for naught. (and if they do fit then I may just splurge and get some other colors of the little meteor I’ve had my eye on.) x3

this website

got the site converted over to jekyll! I’m having a much easier time with it as opposed to zola (which is what it used to be powered by). It’s written in ruby as opposed to rust, which I have more experience with, and seems to be better documented; at least, for a beginner like me it is. :'3

Now I can focus on blagging more often and building up some of the other ideas I’ve had! purin with kicky leggies


Started playing Nurse Love Syndrome even though I haven’t finished Kindred Spirits on the Roof. I kind of have the itch to read through a VN lately but none of them are really grabbing me for whatever reason…I’ve also been pretty depressed lately, so maybe that has something to do with it? cri I have been considering picking up Animal Crossing: New Horizons again, though. I barely played the DLC when it was released, so maybe that would be fun to get back into? shrug


I recently had shingles and that took a lot out of me, so I’ve been mostly just recovering, lounging about, and trying to have energy/feel better again so I can do more stuff around the house and work on projects/art/journaling… exhausted